
All- Inclusive Test Packages

with Hardware Rent

TeDaLoS is the ready-to-use solution – no installation, local integration or preparations on the part of logistics or IT are necessary for you.


With the test package you order our intelligent sensor units for item-specific inventory monitoring for 2 months for testing, afterwards the test package ends automatically.


There are 3 different hardware types to choose from:

Industrial Small (for VDA standard containers)

DIN A4 shape

U shape (for pallets)



  • Ordering of test-packages, we recommend defining test scenarios and goals
  • You receive your der Test-sensorunits und online-access
  • Remote support through TeDaLoS for activation of sensorunits + first get-to-know of TeDaLoS Cloud Software
  • You are testing autonomously and change material master data and test scenarios as desire. TeDaLoS Support is available for you for assistance.
  • After 2 months deactivation, pack and send back sensorunits.
  • In a Review-Meeting we anaylse your test data together with you and highlight your improvement opportunities with TeDaLoS. A 360 degree Return On Investment-calculator determines your cost savings. We will point out any added value aspects that we detected during your test phase.
  • RESULT: In an efficient way and close to your typical daily use case you now have a clear basis for decision-making for our future cooperation.


  • Hardware
  • 2 months operative observation mode (data transfer 4 x per day at freely defineable time + alarm messages/reports)
  • TeDaLoS cloud access
  • battery pack
  • remote support
  • local LPWA Gateway
  • Added value assessment during virtual rollout
  • Review-meeting (2-3 hours.)
  • shipping AT, DE

Choose a package that suits you:

    Offer for:

    Your selection is not yet an order, but serves to prepare your personal offer.


    A look at the TeDaLoS Cloud software will show you various key details and real-time data relating to your goods and the sensor units. The following graphics are symbolic images that show you various aspects of the Cloud software:



    We would be pleased to make an appointment to show you our product and our software in person.