Time is money: Efficient railway maintenance at ÖBB STADLER

Time is money: Efficient railway maintenance at ÖBB STADLER

The Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB) and the Swiss company Stadler founded the joint venture ÖBB STADLER Service GmbH to maintain the Westbahn fleet in Vienna. The vehicle fleet of the predominantly private Westbahn is maintained with combined expertise. The economic efficiency concept emphasises the particularly short service life of the wagon sets and trains. This means that expert resources are utilised directly in maintenance. Processes must be fail-safe and automated, and the stock of C-parts and spare parts must be permanently secured.

IoT-as-a-Service: daily inventory without an IT project

Klaus Schmid, Strategic Purchasing, ÖBB STADLER Service GmbH: “Standstill must not happen. Always the right material available in the right quantity – wireless monitoring with TeDaLoS has enabled us to significantly increase the efficiency of train and carriage maintenance.

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